Better Customer Experience from Cloud Contact Center
- Eric Swanstrom
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Consider a Superior Solution
This will be a 2-part series. Here, we look at the better results and continued growth of Cloud Contact Centers. In next month’s Part 2, we will cover how to transition your on-premise system to a Cloud Contact Center.
Better Results
According to TalkDesk, a cloud-based contact center can achieve 27% lower annual costs than its on-premise peers. Cloud-based contact centers are also more likely to improve uptime, customer experience, customer and employee retention, and profitability. These better results clearly explain the growing push toward cloud-based contact centers.
We know an off-premise, cloud-based system improves metrics across multiple departments. Let’s also look at additional benefits cloud-based systems bring to an organization.
Challenges & Solutions :
- Compartmentalized productivity leads to inefficiency
Often, silos within an organization create segmented business units that do not cohesively work together. IT, application, and call center managers are separated, with each group focused on separate initiatives. Segmentation across each group creates a backlog of specialized tasks and operations that take time and resources to solve.
- Boost cooperation and efficiency
A flexible, scalable cloud-based system empowers you to better manage resources, operations, and customer experience.
- "Business as usual" processes constrict innovation
Some organizations have inadvertently painted themselves into a corner by focusing their efforts solely at on-premise solutions.
- Move forward with transformative improvements
Cloud Contact Centers improve customization, security, scalability, and flexibility for better efficiency across on-premise and remote agents, allowing for faster resolutions and greater customer satisfaction.
Continued Growth
Not surprisingly, the better results we see from cloud-based systems promote growth and a continuing upward trend. Markets and Markets reports that Cloud Contact Centers will grow to a $20.9 billion market by 2022 with a Compound Annual Growth Rate of 25.2% from 2017 to 2022.
What will be the drivers behind a continued growth of Cloud Contact Centers?
- Faster deployment, scalability, and improved flexibility
Quick, often real-time responses to growth or crisis will be key to organizations’ ability to control their customer experience. By leveraging the cloud for scalable resources, organizations will be able to match customer volumes without a complex addition to their on-premise infrastructure. - A rise in Microservices
Historically, on-premise contact center applications cannot share data. This compartmentalized approach fails to meet the needs of an adaptable architecture driven by customer requests. A microservices approach will solve this problem by splitting the application into a set of smaller, integrated services that work together while still running their own process and deployment. With microservices, you can test, deploy, and implement new services independently of other applications, which improves performance, stability, and innovation. - Call routing and queuing
Call routing designates calls to agents or locations based on corporate-based factors like agent ability or knowledge. Using Artificial Intelligence and other 3rdparty tools will allow organizations to properly route thousands of calls without an impact to their systems. Intelligently connecting customers with the right agents – across multiple call centers, remote, and at-home agents – will improve customer satisfaction while reducing the amount of work needed to implement these improvements - Better customer experience
Customer Experience (CX) has moved from a marketing hype term to the ultimate differentiator among competing organizations. A Cloud Contact Center will help organizations keep up with changing customer expectations through a simplification of the tools their agents use. Leveraging a cloud contact center will simplify an agent’s experience, which boosts both employee and customer satisfaction.